Since just giving out money doesn't alleviate poverty, we are involved in changing its fundamental causes. Some of these causes are found with those in need, but much of the problem transcends the scope of any one poor individual. We work where poverty happens.
Microfinance means economic opportunity to poor agricultural producers. We finance inputs that our clients could not afford otherwise, and will permanently improve their economic growth.
Technical Training
Education is a necessary complement to microfinance; knowing best practices insures a more effective use of financial assistance. This is why we provide technical training to our clients.
Research deepens our understanding of our clients, their needs, and their circumstances. The more we understand about our clients and their poverty means the more we can help.
Aldea Coffee
Aldea Coffee encourages our clients to grow quality coffee, which means they can earn a greater income from their work. Income we earn from the sale of coffee funds the microfinance program.
Community Partnership Projects
We work to improve the communities in which our clients live. Service projects complement our support of individuals and their families with public improvements.